Thursday, August 22, 2013

second beta release of the color picker

I've significantly reworked the color interface.  I'm going to not say another word and see if you all can figure it out.  Please send me your feedback!!

Check out the review at

Sunday, August 18, 2013

LUMIPro Beta 3.3

Calling all LUMIPro users.  I'd like your help making the next release amazing.  That is what the beta program is about.  This is my 6th beta program over 4 years for LUMIPro and when this is released i'll call it V3.3 (V3.2 is whats out now).   After reviewing this video, if you want to be part of the beta drop me a note and i'll pass you the HUD.  The beta huds will auto update as beta2,3 etc release and then will update to the final version 3.3 (cool huh?).  :)

I've been thinking long and hard about whats next for LUMIPro.  After recording a few of my own videos as well as talking with other customers, frankly I decided it was time to expand upon the use of color in lighting.

I studied several options for color pickers and got pretty much every color matching hud i could get my hands on.  Talked with several people who use them for feedback.

Realizing that we're dealing with a very broad spectrum of people online from beginners to techies to RL photographers, i've been experimenting with a color user interface that made sense.  After much discussion including discussing with a couple RL theaterical lighting friends, I decided to include several of the RL color gel catalogs as part of the user interface and a more simplg RGB interface for the techies.  I frankly like the color catalogs as there is 40+ years of picking these colors based on their success in real situations.

So I'm now offering beta1 to existing LUMIPro customers for those that want to partipicate in its development.  If you are new to the beta process I've used for LUMIPro i release a beta1 (this release) and then with user reported feedback on the interface as well as any bugs they report i make tweaks and release a beta2, beta3, etc until I feel like we've got the right approach.  My goal is to get this release out some time in september and follow with a 3.4 before the holidays.

Know issues:  The save/restore and backup server does not work with the new color pickers.  I'm working on that now for beta2.