Wednesday, December 9, 2015

2016 Release Candidate

Holy crap i think i'm done!!!

I wanted to release this to the beta community today and i will release to the general world this Friday.  So please here is the last chance to get me your beta bug reports.

I wanted to give a final thank you to everyone that participated in the beta and a double thank you to those that submitted beta reports with their bugs and experiences.

Please feel free to submit any further beta experience reports between now and Friday to this link.

You guys are amazing!!  The best of the best on SL!

Release candidate change list:
  • New Poses!!
  • Projector lighting initial 15%
  • Option menu reorganized
  • New feature:  Delete animation under options menu
  • Few spelling errors here and there

Sunday, December 6, 2015

2016 Beta6

Beta6 is super close to final release.  I expect there to be one more release after this called "RC1" for "release candidate 1" but the expectation is this release is final and from here i'm just making sure nothing broke and things are correct.  I've fixed a few issues from beta5 around projectors no derezzing, backup servers not restoring right, etc.    There is now a new option command to flush all the demo poses out of your hud. 

I'm gunning to have this release out the door next week, so any feedback needs to come FAST!

Submit any issues on the beta checkout to

LUMIPro 2016 Beta6 release notes:
  • Backup server now attachable and works in zero rez sims.
  • Naming a preset with /42 does not change the save date on a preset
  • Add option menu item to delete demo poses
  • Bug fix:  changing animations while on a model other than owner reverts back to owner.
  • Various bug fixes around the backup server
  • Partial set of new poses included in this release

Couple shots i did during beta6 testing with Sammie using sitballs and saved presets